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Hey guys, you don't have to chat on the book anymore!
Chat in this chatroom (below) about books or whatever, it closes a year from now!

Also, check out the new wordle below, I copied and pasted the entire book into it :P

And the Title above? I'm gonna change it depending on the seasons now, so have fun here!

Book Wordle

Book Wordle

Monday, March 17, 2014


Are you wondering why the URL of this blog is hashtag2percent? Read on!

One day, I was with my friends, who asked what the book had in store, and what emotions would be in it. As a guy talking to girls, I had no idea, but I thought about it and said, "Fine. 58 percent War, 20 percent training, 20 percent necromancy (magic), and 2 percent romance."

They completely freaked out about the romance part and now it is the official inside joke for the book. Lol.


  1. Lol is right. Two Percent is the best title for a blog, and when you add the hashtag, BOOM! Mind blown.

  2. The 2% isn't even funny. The book is good. You should make more books and stories.
