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Hey guys, you don't have to chat on the book anymore!
Chat in this chatroom (below) about books or whatever, it closes a year from now!

Also, check out the new wordle below, I copied and pasted the entire book into it :P

And the Title above? I'm gonna change it depending on the seasons now, so have fun here!

Book Wordle

Book Wordle

Thursday, April 10, 2014

GH Update 4/9/14

Hey, guys, this is a weekly update about our GH project. you will see these each week:

This week, we have written two chapters in our book, bringing it to its 57th chapter. We learned that there will be struggles on thinking of new ideas if you are writing the book so often and writers' block will occur, a little disclaimer for others. Our struggles this week are listed above, we had trouble thinking of new ideas. Something that I will do next week is to edit the past chapters of the book and continue writing and finishing up the book. Hopefully, we will send, if not all of it, part of the book to an online publisher.

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